Saturday, November 17, 2012

Evolution study guide & computer work

Monday and Tuesday (honestly, probably Wednesday as well)

Work on the study guide (click here for extra copy)

For computer work, go to the Campbell biology site (remember to click on the pelican book)

Complete the key concepts quizzes for all sections in chapters 13, 14 & 15 

Then create a cumulative 30 question test for those chapters

(bonus points for also completing the actual chapter tests for each chapter with at least a 75% -- more points for higher scores)

Remember you can re-take these tests as often as you like

I am going to look at these for a grade on Tuesday November 27th.  Please use your time wisely!


  1. Mrs. I cannot log in the campbellbiology website. I already did the "I forgot my password" but it still doesn't work. I also tried to change my password after it sent my password to my email, but that doesn't work either... I don't know what to do...?

  2. Send me an email and I can send you directions to set up a new account :-)
